HELLO O-HO-HONK!!! I'm Baphomet the CLOWN!! A Cartoonist, Animator, Musician & CLOWN!!🤡
In the real worlds I'm a 25 ('99) year old gal living in good ol' Sweden; But in my subconcious & dreams, I'm the Demon of Foolery, The Henchman of Satan & Citizen of Dwurm!!
Everyday I spend my day animating and drawing my silly goofy characters, not often I do anything else really!! I wish to make my passion to animate my stories into my living, and that's my biggest dream, O-hoo!!
I am happily engaged with my Eldritch beloved of 9 years called Xthulhu!!💚💚💚
I try my best to create stories that are not only whimsical and comedic for an older & teen audience, but also ones that'll be hard to forget!!!
Just be aware that uhm... I ain't afraid to cuss in my stories lmao! Shit! As WELL as showing tones & themes that may be disturbing!
Media that has inspired me over the years? Many Cartoons I grew up with in the early 2000's-10's, as well as older Cartoons like Classic Disney Movies, like Alice in Wonderland!
Many Whimsical Fantasy Movies has been HUGE inspirations to me, like Charlie & The Chocolate Factory! And darker movies like Coraline!
I'm also inspired by games like Cuphead & Lobotomy Corporation, & even by a lot of Anime like Madoka Magica & Rozen Maiden!
My inspirations come from EEEeeeVERYWHERE so it's incredibly hard for me to pinpoint, O-ho-HONK!!
I came up with Dumblotraights & Dwurm ALL the way back when I was around 15 years old!! Because of that, I'm quite attached to my world and characters, as you can probably tell LMAO!
If you're one of my friends or in my community at ALL, you KNOW I won't shut up about them!! Bare with my ass!!!
I absolutely ADORE all of my community and the people that actually WANT to support someone as wacky & weird as me!! I owe every single person who leaves me kind comments or support in any way, shape or form, likes, fanart, ANYTHING of that sort, my entire life!💚 As I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for everyone who's brought me joy in my life everyday of my Clown life!!
So if you're one of those people? THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 💚 💚 💚
Now uhh... What else does people write on about pages? It feels like I've been writing on this forever... Uhhh...
Well! That's it!! Bye, O-ho-HONK!!🤡